ORGANIZATION Purnapramati is a new alternative school of thought, not just in academic vision, but also in organizational structure. The school has a mix of both formal and informal structures, primarily to ensure accountability and effectiveness simultaneously. Purnapramati is a child centric family where teachers, parents, friends, advisors, well-wishers, donors and management team, all play their role with the sole vision of developing a Purnapramatian. None of the roles are designed strictly just to meet a rigid formal classification but are evolved according to one’s svadharma, ability and commitment towards Purnapramati. VALUES Purnapramati is founded on five unwavering values. 1. High quality outcome. 2. Affordable education. 3. Transparent management. 4. Never for profit. 5. Build a school for and by the community.
MOTIVATION The present society has two streams of education. The modern education, based on contemporary fields of knowledge and taught in regular schools, is designed towards meeting socio-economic needs of a person. On the other hand, indigeneous education, with philosophy, arts and lifestyle as their building blocks and taught in traditional institutions, were designed to give a perspective on some core issues of life and lifestyle. Though our lives need both, these two exist in isolation today. Purnapramati’s mission is to provide integrated education, through a school, where a child can learn the foundations, in reasonable depth, of these two systems and thus become a holistic individual. Present society has two streams of education. One of them primarily focuses on socio-economic needs while the other on philosophical and cultural aspects of life. These two exist in isolation today. But our lives need both. Our intent is to bring these two together which will bring purpose of life and the art of living as a part of education. This is possible through holistic and integrated education of multiple disciplines from primary stage of schooling. Our classical systems like philosophy and arts carry a rich wisdom of knowledge and lifestyle. The modern systems like science bring a new reality to life. We are on a mission to provide a single platform, in the form of a school, where a child can learn the foundation of these two systems and thus build a holistic society. APPROACH By integrated learning, we essentially mean expanding the dimensions of knowing reality. Expansion implies multiple lenses, while reality mandates inter-linkages in those domains. Therefore integrated learning is not just multidisciplinary but also interdisciplinary. It means integrating care with science as in medicine, integrating interpretivism with objectivism as in social sciences, integrating justice with development as in public policy, integrating exactness with performance as in arts, integrating sociology with economics as in politics, integrating emotion with intelligence as in education, integrating self-development with social dutifulness as in Vedanta.
PHILOSOPHY à¤à¤•à¤‚ च ततà¥à¤µà¤¤à¥‹ जà¥à¤žà¤¾à¤¤à¥à¤‚ विना सरà¥à¤µà¤œà¥à¤žà¤¤à¤¾à¤‚ नरः । न समरà¥à¤¥à¥‹ महेनà¥à¤¦à¥à¤°à¥‹à¤½à¤ªà¤¿ तसà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤¤à¥ सरà¥à¤µà¤¤à¥à¤° जिजà¥à¤žà¤¸à¥‡à¤¤à¥ ।।
- शà¥à¤°à¥€à¤®à¤¦à¤¾à¤¨à¤¨à¥à¤¦à¤¤à¥€à¤°à¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤ƒ ‘Unless one is omniscient, it is impossible even for Lord Indra, much less a human, to know even a single thing in its complete sense. Therefore the learning should be multi-dimensional’ – Srimadanandatirtha FOUNDING PRINCIPLES नà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¥‹ à¤à¤•à¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤¶à¥à¤š शà¥à¤¶à¥à¤°à¥‚षा सà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤§à¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¯à¤ƒ सतà¥à¤¯à¤®à¥‡à¤µ च । पà¥à¤°à¥‹à¤¤à¥à¤¸à¤¾à¤¹à¤¶à¥Œà¤°à¥à¤¯à¥‡ योगशà¥à¤š सà¥à¤µà¤§à¤°à¥à¤®à¤¸à¥à¤¤à¤ª इतà¥à¤¯à¤ªà¤¿ ॥ दशोपासà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¨à¤¿ ततà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¨à¤¿ पूरà¥à¤£à¤ªà¥à¤°à¤®à¤¤à¤¿à¤®à¤£à¥à¤¡à¤²à¥‡ । दशेति सरà¥à¤µà¤®à¥à¤¦à¥à¤¦à¤¿à¤·à¥à¤Ÿà¤‚ सरà¥à¤µà¤‚ पूरà¥à¤£à¤®à¤¿à¤¹à¥‹à¤šà¥à¤¯à¤¤à¥‡ ॥ Detachment, Devotion, Service, Learning, Truth, Encouragement, Courage, Poise, Responsibility and Austerity are the ten founding principles worshipped and followed at Purnapramati.
ORIGIN To pursue our motive to bridge the gap between wisdom and modern advancements, we have formed a value-centered professional and committed team, SatyatÄ«rtha, with a motto: Truth-seeking, Capable and Caring People Striving for Social Good. The team launched its first initiative Mission Man-e-Script in 2006-07. The mission primarily focuses on research and publication of Saṃská¹›ta philosophical literature. Purnapramati is another initiative of SatyatÄ«rtha Foundation® (a non-profit organization) for integrated learning. INSPIRATIONS The Indian heritage personified in great sages like VÄlmÄ«ki and documented in the epics like MahÄbhÄrata is the primary inspirational force for SatyatÄ«rtha Foundation. Life and works of Ä€nandatÄ«rtha, a 13th century philosopher par excellence are the driving factor for us in pursuing this path. In a country as rich and variegated as India, be its mountains, rivers, forests, people or her culture, each one of them have inspired every step of this journey. From Kalish-Manasa-sarovar in Tibet to Kumara Parvat in south, Kanchanaganga in East to Narayana-Sarovara in Gujarat, an Anna Hazare in remote village of Maharashtra to Anil Agarwal in Delhi, Prabodhini Gurukula in Hariharapura to Siddh School in Kempti, the insights of Bharat Jhunjhunwala to works of Rajendra Singh are just a few sources for powerful and diverse inspirations. Such exposure also brings a new perspective to life. The pursuit of such wider exposure requires stretching physical limits, in climbing the peaks and trekking the remotest places of the world, and this in turn makes us mentally strong with resilience to pursue the impossible. Modern world, along with material prosperity, also brought the very purpose of modernity into question. Ironically, the foundations for providing any answer also became questionable. What is development? How do we answer it? What is our role? Such fundamental questions have driven the idea of Purnapramati, towards serious studies in Philosophy and its relations with society. From a social perspective, consider the projects like Kaiga Nuclear Plant or many other such projects, at the cost of enormous natural resources, which have been sustained over millions of years to meet our energy needs. Philosophical questions lead to a different kind of adventure. Our land is a treasure trove here too. Like the Majestic Himalayas, a wonder in many ways, be its geographical features or culture, Indian literature too, like Mahabharata and Ramayana unravels the infinite wisdom. It is such works spread across the country, in manuscripts and living traditions that bring the spirit of this ancient civilization alive. Many shaastras and kalaas (arts) in our tradition blend pure intellect, emotions and beauty together. The contemporary issues surrounding our society and polity are missing these roots, arguably due to our own slavery, so that we still are educated without these, and it only continues to weaken them. Creating a new world and order – Shangri-la, within whatever limited scope, has always been the driving force behind Purnapramati. Modern leaders like Anil Agarwal, Founder, Center for Science and Environment, Deep Joshi, Founder, PRADAN, Vijay Mahajan, Founder, Basix India Pvt Ltd, and Rajendra Singh, Founder, Tarun Bharat Sangh, who have made significant social impact through their noble thoughts and professional work, inspire us for our organizational structure and objectives. Spiritual and Social leader, Sri Vishwesha Tirtha Swamiji (Founder, Poorna Prajna Vidya Pita), is our role model for his work in philosophy and social service. There have been many more people in the past and modern times, who inspire us. The above list is indicative to help us identify our values and realize the vision. For more details please visit
VISION To groom philosophers, scientists, social leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and professionals with strong foundations in classical and modern systems to build a holistic society. MISSION To build a value-centered and professional learning environment founded firmly in both classical and modern systems to help each child develop an integrated personality, discover his/her innate potential and pursue a resonant profession in building a holistic society. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES To cater to students across the society from modern and traditional backgrounds. To be accessible and affordable to interested people. To innovate sustainable organizational model to ensure autonomous sustenance for generations through due participation of all stakeholders. To keep connectivity with various schools in the society to learn and share. To regularly interact with the society for learning and making useful and relevant contributions. To establish integrated centers in classical and modern systems like philosophy, logic, arts, languages, science, mathematics, humanities and games. To continuously explore educational needs of society and provide customized programs through courses and workshops. To publish material and methods by continuous research on curriculum, pedagogy techniques. To establish teacher training center to ensure appropriate orientation and execution of vision/mission. To build state of art infrastructure in a serene atmosphere for learning.